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Places of Interest

  • inspirational orchids
    I found a superb link to orchids that I know you will all find inspirational ... such great shapes to abstract from ... enjoy
  • Toni & Simon Benetton
    If it wasn't for these two (father and son ), I doubt that I would have had the confidence to push myself out on the limb.......
  • Urformen der Kunst
    For many years this work had a profound influence on the way I understood natural forms and the lmitless potential of metals
  • my site
    All my old pages, full of messy code but lots of pictures

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Pam Barket

Hi guiseppe

Remember me? I'm Pam that worked in the Estate Office at Longdown.

Lots of change since I last saw you but would be great to catch up particularly because I'd like to buy/commission some of your work, a wall
painting (something uniqie but cheap!!)

Love to you Jane & your kids

Best wishes Pam
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 02380 873989 Mob: 07818 087589
Best wishes to you, Jane & the kids,


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